Does the thought of making your own patterns leave you in a cold sweat? Does the thought of making patterns for other people make your hands clammy? Are you working from a pattern that you've gotten to fit by changing it over a number of failed tries and mistakes in good fabric?
This demonstration will show how to draft what is known as a "Basic Body Block" for the torso. After the basic block is developed, I'll go on to show how to make the pattern 'more period'. Once you get this method, you'll never have to rely on outdated or incorrect patterns again! This particular method combines both historical and modern methods to achieve a good starting pattern on paper. Once you've got that, you can move on to develop a mock-up in cheap fabric which you will then use to address any issues in fit. Once the mock-up is done, you will be able to take that apart and use it to make a paper pattern that will fit perfectly...
What and Where to Measure -
Get a fairly wide and long piece of paper. Butcher's paper or similar stuff works best and is probably the most inexpensive. You can use the pattern paper that they sell at fabric stores but it's a bit on the expensive side. The plus to is that it has a grid already printed on it. We will be developing the front and back body block simultaneously in this demo but you can do each one separately. For examples on where to measure before starting, click here. WARNING: take the following measurements while wearing everything that you will be wearing under the finished garment - that is very important.
To Start -
On your body, find your natural waist and measure from there to where the clavicle bones meet at the hollow of your throat. Draw those on your paper like the example below:
As you can see, just from these seven measurements, we've now got a basic body block. This particular method is a very simplified version of the body block technique used in most costume shops. However, what this gets you is enough of a pattern to add seam allowances to and cut out in muslin in order to develop your 'toile'. The toile is the period word for a mock-up or 'muslin'. Basically, you cut it out, sew it together, and discover any fit problems from there. You can then make any necessary adjustments on the toile, take it apart, and use it to make another, permanent paper pattern that will fit perfectly and can be used over and over again.
The above block doesn't look all that period, does it? There are only a couple of little adjustments and two more measurements that need to be taken in order to make it just a bit more period.
First, add the front point. This is pretty simple and can be done without any specific measurements. In general, don't make it too wide or too narrow where it joins the waist. The other measurement, the adjusted side seam, needs two more points to plot.
Last Warnings -
Date and label ALL your patterns. It's also a good idea to re-draft patterns every year or so. Store all pattern pieces together in an oversized envelope which is also labeled as to what it is, when it was made, etc.